Information for "MuwataMalik-017-001-35103"

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Display titleMuwataMalik-017-001-35103
Default sort keyMuwataMalik-017-001-35103
Page length (in bytes)241
Page ID62892
Page content languageEnglish (en)
Page content modelwikitext
Indexing by robotsAllowed
Number of redirects to this page0
Counted as a content pageYes
Page imageHodhoodHadithLogo.PNG

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Page creatorMaintenance script (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation10:30, 18 October 2018
Latest editorAdmin (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit11:01, 18 November 2018
Total number of edits3
Total number of distinct authors2
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Transcluded templates (12)

Templates used on this page:

Has Body-PartsBlood + and Eye +
Has FamilyHusband +, Children +, Paternal Relatives +, Tribe +, Maternal Brothers +, Paternal Relations + and Inheritance +
Has Financial PhrasesMoney +, Buy +, Bought +, Purchase +, Purchased +, Selling +, Dirham +, Transaction + and Dinar +
Has Frequent TermsGood +, Sell +, Advanc +, Possess +, Cloth +, Date +, Delai +, Seller +, Take + and Buyer +
Has Hadith GradeMuwata Malik +
Has Hadith Index of SubjectsAbba advanc +, Advanc garment +, Garment sell +, Sell possess +, Possess silver +, Silver silver +, Silver disapprov +, Disapprov opinion +, Opinion sell +, Sell bought +, Bought price +, Price bought +, Bought sold +, Sold purchas +, Purchas harm +, Harm gener +, Gener agre +, Agre advanc +, Advanc slave +, Slave cattl +, Cattl sold +, Sold advanc +, Advanc date +, Date date +, Date fall +, Fall buyer +, Buyer sell +, Sell purchas +, Purchas price +, Price advanc +, Advanc full +, Full possess +, Possess advanc +, Advanc usuri +, Usuri buyer +, Buyer seller +, Seller dinar +, Dinar dirham +, Dirham profit +, Profit buyer +, Buyer possess +, Possess sell +, Sell owner +, Owner advanc +, Advanc outcom +, Outcom advanc +, Advanc return +, Return increas +, Increas advanc +, Advanc gold +, Gold silver +, Silver anim +, Anim deliv +, Deliv date +, Date arriv +, Arriv date +, Date harm +, Harm buyer +, Sell seller +, Seller immedi +, Immedi delai +, Delai matter +, Matter extens +, Extens amount +, Amount case +, Case food +, Food halal +, Halal sell +, Sell full +, Possess buyer +, Purchas gold +, Silver possess +, Possess defer +, Defer defer +, Defer ugli +, Ugli enter +, Enter transact +, Transact disapprov +, Disapprov delai +, Delai delai +, Delai sell +, Sell debt +, Debt debt +, Debt advanc +, Advanc deliv +, Deliv eaten +, Eaten drunk +, Drunk sell +, Sell whomev +, Whomev cash +, Cash deliveri +, Deliveri purchas +, Purchas sell +, Bought exchang +, Exchang possess +, Possess immedi +, Immedi defer +, Defer deliveri +, Deliveri date +, Arriv harm +, Harm sell +, Sell origin +, Origin owner +, Owner possess +, Defer spoke +, Spoke case +, Case advanc +, Advanc dinar +, Dirham piec +, Piec cloth +, Cloth deliv +, Deliv term +, Term fell +, Fell demand +, Demand deliveri +, Deliveri seller +, Seller seller +, Seller found +, Found seller +, Seller cloth +, Cloth inferior +, Inferior qualiti +, Qualiti seller +, Cloth harm +, Harm cloth +, Cloth separ +, Separ delai +, Delai term +, Term enter +, Transact term +, Term sell +, Sell cloth +, Cloth cloth + and Cloth advanc +
Has Hadith TextYahya related to me from Malik from Yahya
Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya Ibn Said that AlQasim Ibn Muhammad said; I heard Abdullah Ibn Abbas say; when a man asked him about a man making an advance on some garments and then wanting to sell them back before taking possession of them; That is silver for silver; and he disapproved of it. Malik said; Our opinion is - and Allah knows best that was because he wanted to sell them to the person from whom he had bought them for more than the price for which he bought them. Had he sold them to some one other than the person from whom he had purchased them; there would not have been any harm in it. Malik said; The generally agreed on way of doing things among us concerning making an advance for slaves; cattle or goods is that when all of what is to be sold is described and an advance is made for them for a date; and the date falls due; the buyer does not sell any of that to the person from whom he has purchased it for more than the price which he advanced for it before he has taken full possession of what he has advanced for. It is usury if he does. If the buyer gives the seller dinars or dirhams and he profits with them; then; when the goods come to the buyer and he does not take them into his possession but sells them back to their owner for more than what he advanced for them; the outcome is that what he has advanced has returned to him and has been increased for him. Malik said; If someone advances gold or silver for described animals or goods which are to be delivered before a named date; and the date arrives; or it is before or after the date; there is no harm in the buyer selling those goods to the seller; for other goods; to be taken immediately and not delayed; no matter how extensive the amount of those goods is; except in the case of food because it is not halal to sell it before he has full possession of it. The buyer can sell those goods to some one other than the person from whom he purchased them for gold or silver or any goods. He takes possession of it and does not defer it because if he defers it; that is ugly and there enters into the transaction what is disapproved of: delay for delay. Delay for delay is to sell a debt against one man for a debt against another man. Malik said; If someone advances for goods to be delivered after a time; and those goods are neither something to be eaten nor drunk; he can sell them to whomever he likes for cash or goods; before he takes delivery of them; to some one other than the person from whom he purchased them. He must not sell them to the person from whom he bought them except in exchange for goods which he takes possession of immediately and does not defer. Malik said; If the delivery date for the goods has not arrived; there is no harm in selling them to the original owner for goods which are clearly different and which he takes immediate possession of and does not defer. Malik spoke about the case of a man who advanced dinars or dirhams for four specified pieces of cloth to be delivered before a specified time and when the term fell due; he demanded delivery from the seller and the seller did not have them. He found that the seller had cloth but inferior quality; and the seller said that he would give him eight of those cloths. Malik said; There is no harm in that if he takes the cloths which he offers him before they separate. It is not good if delayed terms enter into the transaction. It is also not good if that is before the end of the term; unless he sells him cloth which is notthetypeof cloth for which he made an advance.
typeof cloth for which he made an advance. +
Has HodHood Indexing Book NameCategory:The Book of Financial Transactions in HodHood Indexing +
Has HodHood Indexing Chapter NameCategory:The Chapter on Financial Transaction And Food in HodHood Indexing +
Has NotablesYahya +, Malik +, Yahya Ibn Said +, Ibn Muhammad + and Abdullah Ibn Abbas +
Is Hadith Texttrue +