UK Real Estate Investment Trust An overview

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islamic 29 billion 20 equity 18 shari 12 compliant 9 listed 8 malaysian 8 markets 8 traded 8 usd 8 capitalization 7 companies 7 funds 7 global 7 oic 7 source 7 gcc 6 gdp 6 assets 5 countries 5 financial 5 future 5 rate 5 trillion 5


  • trillion potential a c islamic financial assets us billion uae mof a c islamic money market us a billion us malaysian usd mil
  • billion � shari a compliant assets growing over the last years represent an estimated us billion banking assets approximately billion capital market
  • gcc companies plan ipo s in � rapidly expanding gcc conventional and islamic bond market a c islamic bonds a approximately us billion issues announced in a c growing at pa � islamic funds in equity in bond equivalent and in cash and hybrid valued at us
  • � of all shari a listed equity funds in the world are listed in bursa malaysia and as at st december the total value of these funds stood at us
  • billion compared to a total of us billion world wide malaysian equities market number of listed companies indusrtial trading services consumer property technology construction finance plantation inf rastructure others
  • malaysian equities market market highlights end dec shari ah compliant stocks a cdiversity non shari ah a c sectors compliant a c economic activities a cshari a compliant stocks a c listed companies other highlights a c listed companies a cusd billion market capitalization shari ah compliant ytd total market transacted a cvalue usd
  • of listed companies enddec total listed companies new companies listed market capitalization usd bil
  • future prospects � islamic capital markets have potential to reach several trillion usd � gcc surplus to continue for next years mainly due to oil demand and price � customer acceptability both muslims and nonmuslims is increasing � increasing trend of going public ie ipo s � multi billion usd infrastructure projects in gcc and oic countries phone no fax email iifm bateclo dot com
  • box manama kingdom of bahrain

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Main Category

AlHuda Material\sukuk islamic


reit estate invest tax trust NA account incom NA finance boardwalk manage rental busi pakistan limit leas properties NA distributable


An Overview of REITs by Dr. anthonoy
An Overview of REITs in UK
Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust
Composition of global REITs by Muhammad Shoiab
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Cross-Border Sukuk Issues by DavidTesta
Equity Reits by Mahmoud EL Gamal
GOP Ijara Sukuk by State Bank of Pakistan
Guarantee of Capital in Sukuk Inssunce by Dr. Eltigani A. Ah
Guidelines for Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust
Islamic Real estate investment trust
Islamic RIETs and Opertunities in Middle East
Legal Issues in Islamic Reits Muhammad Ismail
Legal Risks for Islamic Industry
REITs by Muhammad Shoiab
REITS by ZaighamMahmoodRizvi
REITs In Canada
REITs Model by Staphen Hester
RIETs - Prospects in Asia by Zaghum Muhammad Rizvi
Riets - Prospects in Asia
Sukuk by Hamad Rasool
sukuk Al Intifa by Fuad Hamed
Sukuk Prospact in Indonesia Muhammad Hanif
UK Real Estate Investment Trust An overview
Wapda Sukuk in Pakistan


Number of Pages


Published Date

2006-12-03 17:59:03

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